Monday, March 23, 2009

Hailey's Dance Comptition...

This past weekend Hailey had her 2nd dance competition of the season. It was a local comp and there wern't to many other studios there but it was still fun. We had a FULL day of dance. We got there at 7:30 and left around was a LONG day to say the least! Hailey did a great job this weekend and ended up with some great scores for her solo's, and won title for Miss Petite Revolution and her group jazz got the highest score for the whole comp. 11 and under!!! That has never happened before in her 4 years of competing so this was a huge huge accomplishment. Gotta also give props to her great teacher Jennifer!!! I also had 3 photos that made the top 3 for photogenic!!!! Hailey won photogenic and when the announcer asked her who took her picture she so wanted to say my mom...but she said ummmm my umm Too cute!!! Anyways, next weekend is all about soccer and Jay, his arm is finally getting better and he's off to play soccer now!!! I tell ya, that kid and was literally killing him not to play or go to practice. So, hopefully we're on a road to recovery!!!

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